You might want to look into alkalizing your body chemistry. There's a formula for maple syrup and baking soda that will do that.

The theory is that cancerous cells live and grow on refined sugars, and that they die if your body is on the alkaline side of the PH scale. Basically, when you mix the honey with baking soda you're feeding the cancer cells with sugar laced with what is poison to them, but they can't resist it.

I know someone who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last year. He quit chemo after one treatment because it was killing him (his words), started the maple syrup and baking soda instead, and is now completely cancer free (took about 8-10 months). His doctor's father, and his own sister, both died from lung cancer while going through the standard treatments while he refused and did the alkalizing instead.

This is also touted as a preventative, so keep that in mind. His wife gave me the recipe and instructions for how they prepared it, and the dosages, as well as some notes on the results. I have them sitting on my desk here, if you want them I'll copy and send them to you.

In any case, stay away from refined sugars from now on, use raw honey as a sweetener instead, or maybe stevia.

THC has also been shown to kill cancer cells, so you might want to get a card for that too.

In either case, neither of those two treatments will kill you, but doing nothing might, so please look into it, and remember, treating cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry here, and doctors and big pharma cannot make any money off of prescribing either of those treatments, so they will never be studied for their effectiveness or prescribed because there is no profit in it.


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