Completely understand what your saying. This prepackaged dried food isn't something to live on. Im just playing around with it and will use it ocassionaly. Certain items buying in bulk like the scramble eggs sounds like a great idea. Have eggs every other day on the trail to break up having oatmeal all the time. I woudlnt choose to go stoveless until Ive done the stove thing for some tmie first til I become pro smile

Found this in the Mens Fitness magazine about Beef Jerky. Remember, Im 6'2 at 250lbs, hike 3x week and gym 3x week and drink a green smoothie at work for lunch.

Beef jerky is high in protein and doesn't raise your level of insulin—a hormone that signals your body to store fat. That makes it an ideal between-meals snack, especially when you're trying to lose weight. And while some beef-jerky brands are packed with high-sodium ingredients, such as MSG and sodium nitrate, chemical-free products are available. If you have high blood pressure, check the label for brands that are made from all-natural ingredients, which reduce the total sodium content.

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