Originally Posted By OregonMouse

An amazing number of folks will go out with just one heavy jacket and try to hike/ski/snowshoe in it, getting all sweaty (thus getting their insulation wet) and then chilling as soon as they stop whatever activity they are doing.

I think people are over-thinking this... OM said it best. You don't need x number of layers to be "layering". Layering simply means you have the flexibility in your system to meet the insulation requirements for your activity.

When people promote layering they are trying to combat the scenario OM laid out above... and that is a noble cause. "Layering" is not a set in stone system. You have to adjust it to your activity and your insulation requirements. If Daisy's layering system is not working for her, that means she needs to tweek her system. I guarantee you, whatever you (Daisy) come up with will be some form of layering. It sounds like you have too many layers and not a good way to switch between them.