Originally Posted By aimless
According to my friend who more or less runs all med statistics for Kaiser Permanente, you have to check carefully that your supplement contains glucosamine sulfate and NOT glucosamine hydrochloride (aka glucosamine HCL), because studies show the HCL formulation is not effective, while the sulfate formulation does have benefits.

Aimless, the bottle says 1000mg glucosamine sulfate. There is no mention of HCL. However, in my ignornace of the subject, I'm suspect of supplements in general. Not known to be helpful stuff, like vitamin supplements, but things like this.

Reason being, you get so much differing information, even from people who should know, such as your friend, or one other, I forget who, who's father is a physician. I guess the only real way to know, if it's going to work for ME, is to just keep taking it. Maybe it's effective for some and not for others? I know that can be the case for traditional medicines, as I've had MD's, try different courses of treatment for the same ailment, until they found something that works.

The problem is, that I'm not sure how long I'll have to take it to find out. If I quit too early, it may have worked, and I not know it. If it's not going to work at all, I don't want to take it any longer than necessary to find out. And therein lies the problem. crazy
