I would like to ask you all to reread the posting guidelines.

You may disagree with someone if you do so respectfully. You may think that you have the moral high ground and wish to tell someone that you are more correct, proper, PC, or whatever than them, but you must still be respectful of their opinion and attitude even if you disagree with it strongly. grin

This is a place for discussion and information sharing. Any attempt to gain control of the "proper attitude" will alienate others. We have many extremely experienced people here and we come here to share that experience. When one person posts over and over argueing that there's is the "correct attitude" it is destructive to the process of debate, it is also against the rules.

I have my attitudes, and my opinion and I try to offer them up gracefully without the need to belittle others, because I know others have equally valid ideas, even if I personally think they are crazy or improper or disagree with hem.

Just a thought. The debate guidelines may become more strictly enforced if required to maintain a polite and open debate platform.

Thanks for your time. You will see if you reread this that it is the opposite of a personal attack. It is a request for civility between those that disagree. If you can't be civil, don't post.

Jim -
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.