Setup for what conditions/situation/etc? I.e. ...

What season?
What area(s)?
What kind of hike (base camping or distance hiking, or ...)
What length of hike (days, weeks, months?)
Going solo or with my wife or with a group? If with others, what pace and style constraints do they impose?
For shorter trips (days, not weeks or months) what's the extended weather forecast?

I guess my point is that there isn't a single "setup", for me at least. And I'm disinclined to iterate through all the possibilities ...

I do tend to use one of two different ULA packs depending on the trip (Circuit or an older P2), and I pretty much always use a WM down sleeping bag (which one varies by expected conditions). And I consider those to be pretty optimal choices for pretty much any trip --- wouldn't replace either if I won the lottery.
Brian Lewis