Originally Posted By jbylake
Originally Posted By Gershon

Deep Wilderness Survival is a great book on the psychology of getting into or out of trouble.

I don't picture anyone who has participated in this thread as having any difficulties backpacking. I just see different styles. Most have done a lot more than I have. But that doesn't mean I'm any less safe as I stay well within my limits.

There really are opposing styles in teaching and learning. We are used to the military which we know works. But most people won't stand for it, so they need a different style of teaching.

The thing I do see is we aren't moving closer to the objective of the OP. How to practice being lost. There hasn't been a single skill practiced yet. If it takes a week to practice each exercise once, it will take a month to get through the first exercise and there are about 10 or 15 of them. I'm not suggesting theyare essential to survival, but they are essential to learning this one skill well.

Point taken..and well put. I used to be "addicted" to reading books on the subject, but many have been redundant, to say the least. I'm always looking for that "one" tidbit, that gives a person that "ohhhh, yeah, never thought of that one" moment.
If this makes sense, there's an old saying, "when you're sick, go to the doctor." That's the best place to get the answer.


Your book should be coming today. Hopefully you get the one idea to make it worth it.