That's a great story, and I'm glad you took the time to relay it since it's missing in your TR.

I think you did the right thing by letting the scouts take charge. He certainly got lot's of attention staying with the scouts, and I'm sure he got all the food he needed too.

I have no doubt the dog will find a good home. I'd be pretty surprised if he didn't find a home with one of the scouts.


Speaking of dogs, our Annie is a proud mom of four pups. They're about a month old and just now up on their legs and starting to run around.

I might keep one of them. I had wanted to take Annie backpacking with me but my wife really loves having her around and feels safer with her here when I'm gone, so I really can't take her. The guilt is far to heavy for me to carry.

The hard part is going through another round of puppyhood, although, with Annie here to watch over the pup it might be easier this time. I have a few more weeks to think about it....

"You want to go where?"