This is personal for me, but having a QSO on something that I built is a real kick.

Greetings N1ZF! I completely agree, communicating half way around the world on homemade gear and AA batts is a real kick.
With kits, you can lighten and modify all you want.
I too would someday like a KX-3 but $2000 (all bells/whistles) for a backpacker is a bit pricy....20 times the cost of what I use now. Elecraft is in a class by itself. I used a new K3 and K2 for our Field Day CW stations this year and nothing competes with their performance. A bit of a learning curve to drive one though...many menu options.

All my MFJ Cubs have Tick keyers on board. I can put them on beacon mode, sit back and enjoy lunch, while the radio calls away. As spartan as those radios are, I've worked the world with them and had a blast.
73! dit dit

paul, texas KD5IVP