Hi Mouse

I;ve just found that we carry everything that we needed for the last emergency and hope it works for the next, but generally it doesn't. cool In about a thousand camping trips the worst injury I've seen was a scraped knee. :)I FORGOT - I LIKE TO CARRY A BLUE HYDROGEL BURN PATCH. I put it on my friends large scrape and months later the spot where the gel pad had been was less scarred.

Except for a jet cleaning wire for MSR, any repairs I've had to make could be done with a pocket knife. I never used the suture kit, pliers or needle and thread. If you are not through hiking and check your gear before you leave, you should not have to do any repairs. A lot of my jackets have double zippers which weigh more but offer a built in backup. Bomber gear probably requires fewer repairs than extremely light weight gear. I would never carry a multitool unless I was dog sledding or doing something with a high probability of breaking.

These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.