If you buy denatured alcohol at a paint store it is about 90% ethanol with other ingredients added, including methanol, to make it undrinkable (sickening) not poisonous in quantities normally drunk for recreation. It is used as shellac thinner and is sold without restrictions. Also, please bear in mind that ethanol itself is poisonous as are methanol,ISO-propynol, Sterno, Esbit, white gas and propane/butane: no stove fuel is without some risk. In my opinion, stove fuel in general is a low risk part of backpacking and minor differences in fuel toxicity are not one of my major concerns. The risks involved in driving to the trail-head, the risk of hypo/hyperthermia, Lyme disease, bee and hornet sting allergies, stream crossings: all of these and others as well are far more of a risk than using stove fuel with a small amount of methanol in it.

You can buy 180 proof Everclear here in Arizona; 750 ml (about 25 fl. oz.) costs about $20 compared with about $7 a quart for denatured ethanol. To me as a non-drinker, that is a recipe for some pretty expensive cooking. Personally, I use the denatured ethanol but hey, HYOH.
May I walk in beauty.