Originally Posted By BradMT
Wow, what an amazing amount of hand-wringing over water... given the level of overreaction represented here, I'm surprised some of you venture past your doorways.

And no my opinion has not been peer-reviewed.

I'm just saying I know 20 people (up from 14 due to the association with the swiftwater technicians) who have pieces of paper from a doctor telling them they have had giardia. Pretty sure those weren't peer reviewed, either, but somehow I look at it as though it must be relevant to me somehow, since we hike in the same areas.

I would have mentioned all the other people who have told me about the crazy stomach issues they had after backpacking trips, but they didn't bother getting a doctor into the mix, getting labs done, getting meds.... Might have been the Mountain House.

I think most of the hand wringing is really about someone who can't see the trees, just the library. And can't seem to comprehend what science is. But, I'm sure he won't get sick. It's the power of the mind....
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
