Time isn't so much of an issue to me. But, being hunched over trying to keep a flame alive for an entire ten minutes isn't something I am willing to do. I am WAY too A.D.D. for that. I just cannot get the alcohol stoves to work in ALL conditions effectively.

I have thought about no stove at all, but what the heck, I'm not out there trying to prove a point. Sometimes, I want something warm or hot chocolate on that cold night.

In my "real life non-hiking" world, I am quite a bit of a minimalist. I do not keep anything that is not used. I try to not have more than one of most things. I own three pairs of pants (one dress jeans), two pairs of shoes (one running, one everyday), and I always have less than 10 shirts total. The same trend goes throughout my possessions. So, I cannot let myself keep the other stoves I sent elsewhere.

My post was merely for entertainment value. I have read so many stove and cooking posts, I realize there are those who have tried all and still prefer alcohol or esbit or jet boil or wood, etc. There isn't a thing wrong with any of those preferences. I learn a little from everyone. What is the phrase, Hike your own hike.