Hey! I would say it really depends on what your symtoms are, and how quickly you flare up. When I had UC, some of my symtoms were joint pain which would show within a day. This could potentially be dangerous if you're far from your car-not being able to get back. I also remember that before a flare you just start to feel like crap, but then it would take a couple days before being in a full flare.

If I were you I would just start with a few weekend one-night stays to build your confidence level up. UC isn't life-ending, and what limits you is all in your head. If you want to go far in the back country, bring someone along if you're worried. Or bring a satalite phone. Stress is the worst thing for UC as far as I'm concerned....like I hated car camping because you always have to get to a bathroom...in the backcountry you just go wherever, so wayyy less stress there...no one else is around! I much prefer it. Also be realistic-how often does a flare up ACTUALLY happen? I went years without...and the only time I had really bad flares was when my diet was shit and I was stressed out. If I ate healthy-no processed anything and high fat, and had little stress, I felt much better and had little/no issues.

There is a cure for UC btw, it just costs you $60k, and $3k/yr thereafter for the rest of your life. But you'll be pain and med free, and able to do anything...so think about that. I have no regrets.

You should check out http://www.healingwell.com/community


Edited by awesomeame (03/10/12 10:59 AM)