"... so I always just think in terms of how much does my pack weigh when I walk away from the trailhead. Because so far as I can see, no one ever carries their "base weight" on an actual hike - they always carry something heavier than that."

Agreed, or at least agreed assuming that you and I are using the same common definition for terms like base weight, skin-out weight, etc.

I would be highly doubtful of results reported in the way that we're doing it on this thread. I'm not saying that folks are intentionally dishonest (!), but in general when I see someone give their actual gear list with specific weights included, it's very common for me to end up with the feeling that the list is not complete. "Where's the first aid kit?" "Do you plan to brush your teeth?" "Do you use toilet paper or just snow or smooth rocks and such?" Etc etc. In some cases a very lean-looking gear list reflects a true ultralight approach; in practice I think it more commonly represents things that the person didn't remember to include. Or they're stuffing their pockets so full that we really should be talking about skin-out weight! wink
Brian Lewis