finallyME- what you describe is what I call a "point-to-point" or "one-way". With the emphasis lately on long hikes, the term thru-hike has evolved into a term that has implies a longer stretch, an entire named trail, that is done in its entirety in one time period with no major breaks. I will add another term- a "figure-8". This is a twisted loop, for we of twisted minds. I like the figure-8 method because I plan on coming back to one point about half way through the trip, so can stash some food (appropriately bear-proofed) and lighten my pack.

Part of the thru-hike is the complex logistics of resupply that have to be considered. A one-ration point-to-point does not have this component.

I have found there is a REAL difference once you are out for more than one ration period. Mentally, you really are in a different place. When I taught at NOLS I found a real mind-change in the students after two weeks. Talk of town and hambergers became less and they were finially getting into living in the moment, the wilderness their home. They focused less on what day it was. I do not know if there even is a term for an extended trip where you do not go back to town- rather have supplies brought in to you.

I am not sure thru-hikers even experience this. Resupplying every few days and many stops in civilization seem to occupy the minds of a lot of thru-hikers, at least, from what they write in their journals. (That is why I really liked BrianLee's journals because he does not do that).

Again it is not a matter of right, wrong, better or what. Each method results in different experiences, different rewards.