This Wind River trip is along the lines of one I have been thinking about since last summer. Sounds marvelous! I will never get to do my version as my limiting factor is time. My decision process...this is the kind of thing I am too chicken to put up as my thought processes seem to be somewhere else compared to most people who frequent this site. I am not sure I could explain it in a clear manner anyway. So I will not go that route. Since time is not an issue, which will take you through more of the areas you wish to visit? Loops or through hiking? If anybody knows that area well, its you. In some areas, loop hiking/resupply adds to the experience. Whereas in others it detracts and becomes a drudgery.

You may want to consider another option. Something I have done before is have friends meet me on trial with my resupply at a predesignated spot. Everyone needs to be clear on instructions for this to work. But I have arranged for this twice in the past and I lost maybe a half days hiking on 1 occasion. The next day I would have headed out the way they were coming in if they had not shown up.

With a couple options, you could mix it up. Maybe take a shower in the middle of the trip and the rest of the time be resupplied via short visits with friends.