I have had the Moment for several years now and have mixed feelings about it. It definitely has more condensation than other Tarptent designs, unless it has been modified (bigger vents) lately. Condensation IS a big issue for me. Even with the door wide open I get condensation. It does dry quickly if you can leave it up for about a half hour in sunshine. For me that is difficult since my style of backpacking is to get up very early and be on the trail by 7AM. I would go with the extra weight and get a Tarptent that has two doors so you can get cross ventilation. On the positive side, the Moment is very wind-worthy. It is fairly storm-proof, but I have exceeded its limits a few times. I got caught in a major storm at 11,000 feet elevation last year (4 inches of rain in a few hours) and my site became flooded (looked like good drainage when I set up!). It did mist, but more seriously, the floor leaked through. So it depends where you plan on using it.