Originally Posted By Tye
Where I'm from in South Louisiana, we have Nutria rats. Basically the same as a mormot, but it lives in water. To the cooking quest, never eaten a mormot, but I have eaten a nutria; not too good. Really "wierd" tasting. Some critters just ain't worth cookin', like nutria, coons, turtles, etc.

Yeah, but I've been to Louisana - got relatives there who own a swamp smile

the diet of a nutria probably affects a lot of how it tastes. Marmots are nice alpine herbivores where I am - and usually chubby - nutria look like overgrown rats - and I think pretty much eat the same things wink

Now mind you, why would you eat nutria when you can eat alligator or crawdads or catfish.....them's tasty eats down there.

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