I am coming to realise that there is a great range of inteligence in dogs. who'da thunk? My new dog is a Labra-pit and shes very sweet but dumb as a stump, bless her heart. blush
She can sit, come, move it, and get in the truck, and shes starting to learn to fetch. Imagine a retriever too stupid to retrive. cry She can't even catch a treat if it bounces off her nose. I worked for a month on shake and nothing, nada to show for it, but she does sometimes raise a paw and scratch at my leg to hurry me up when going for a walk.

So anyway shes not very trainable and training for her means more like learning to walk along with me and trust me and be a companion. I commented to my wife that "I guess if ya want a dog to jump into ice water as far north as Labrador and get a bird, maybe a stupid dog is better. Maybe a smarter breed would refuse."

We may try the bicycle pulling thing with a long retractable leash.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.