Yup, same animal, and nice pictures!

I've run into some of the "fat and fearless" types, but mostly I find marmots to be a bit elusive. In Colorado this year the few that I saw just ran on sight of me. Most commonly I see them somewhat in between in a sort of "I'm safe here at a distance on a rock", but they won't let you approach. I can think of a handful or less of experiences where they just hang around and you can get relatively close, and those mostly seemed to be places where I think they just get used to a lot of people coming through --- JMT (Sierra Nevadas), Wonderland Trail around Mt. Rainier, Guitar Lake near Mt. Whitney --- those all had relatively fearless marmots, but overall this seems to me more the exception than the rule (?).

I really just don't see marmots much; quite a lot actually in my own back yard so to speak (naturally in quite rocky areas), but overall on trails I don't think they're that common. There's so very much trail I've never been on however, and what I have seen I've mostly only seen once so this is just a 'best guess' in terms of what's "normal" ! It's certainly true that a lot more animals see me than I see the animals.
Brian Lewis