I realized my biggest weight reductions. By studying others gear lists.(checkout phats above it helpd me) and understanding what I could live without or getting multiple use out of.
And for the most part I do remain under 20 pound base weight with. A rather large three person tent for my wife,myself and our two kids.

I also carry all of the cooking gear for them as well as my kids sleeping bag. Simply by not bringing anything I do not I repeat do not need.

You don't even want know what my base weight is for a solo hike these days its sick.

Minimalization is the key in my opinion.

I will say goodluck to u sir and remember to have fun and enjoy your trips a few extra pounds will only make you stronger.

Welcome to the forums you will be amazed ay the plethora of info avail here and the great mods and members willing to help wink

BTW tarptents are great I've been dreaming about them for years. Fortunately I've reached the point where I have a fully functional kit so maybe oneday
Some peopole live life day by day. Try step by step.