Originally Posted By BrianLe

While of course I've seen marmots on trail, they're actually pretty rare overall, mostly in pretty rocky areas. Barring unexpected need, I don't "go" (#2) in such places.

We sure hike in different places.. where I come from they are freaking *everywhere*. And lots of their warrens (when I can see them in the rocks) are chock full of turds.

I almost suspect it's an evolution to collect the nitrogen around their lair so they get better greenery in the very limited and very nitrogen constrained growing season in the alpine. however....


I'm still trying to wrap my head around marmots digging up catholes. They're not particularly stupid animals; I really don't see the point from the marmots perspective! :-)

I've never seen 'em dig up a cathole.. I've seen 'em go crazy for salt and chew up packs, boots, paddles, and cars. I've seen them drag stuff out of a tent left open...

but never seen 'em dig up poop. I poop on exposed rocks in that country because digging a cathole is nigh impossible, and I *have* turned over rocks to find someone else's old business (yuck!)

Seriously folks though, that's the exception. normally, keep it in the active soil layer, and it's just fine.. When in doubt and if you are at all unsure - pack it out. Wanna know more, then just go buy a copy of "how to sh*t in the woods" (that *is* the title of the book.. seriously... http://www.amazon.ca/How-Shit-Woods-Second-Environmentally/dp/0898156270 )

Edited by phat (01/14/12 05:00 PM)
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