Using a bag for TP and carrying it out is appropriate for trips of a week or so. On longer trips I usually have a campfire at least once, then I burn the accumulated TP. It takes a regular hot fire to burn TP - the "light the match to the paper" on site method seldom works and is a fire hazard.

The problem with burrying it in the cathole, is that if an animal can smell it, it will dig it up. I just have seen too many dug up catholes to use this method myself. Last year I watched a marmot dig a hole a foot deep next to my tent where I had peed at night! IF you burry the TP in a cathole, if you douse the TP with water, it will degrade faster. I would never burry TP in an area where there are marmots.

I have carried out TP for years and NEVER had smell problems. Yes, we women use more TP for #1, but that seldom smells like #2. The Forest Service has "wag bags" that they give out in places that require you not only to carry out TP, but the actual #2 contents! If you can get wag bags, they really are great at keeping smells down. There are also OP (oder proof) bags that are sold for fishermen to put fish guts in. You can find them on the internet. I think REI sells them too.