Originally Posted By skcreidc
Bill, you have wild persimmons? or are they naturalized or in someones yard.

They are wild, and native to the area. We have a few trees on our property and I like them, but they will pucker you up if you eat them before a good frost.

Locals split the seeds to predict winter. I don't know what they found this year and critters ate all mine before I even saw them. There is a dark spot inside the seed you can see when the seed is split. It will look like a spoon (snowy winter), a fork (mild winter), or a knife (icy and cold).

I'm still trying to find a PawPaw tree that has fruit I can taste. They're here too, but I've never seen fruit on one that lasted until it was ripe. Again, critters, like raccoons, eat them as soon as they're ready. I planted a PawPaw in my front yard about 5 years ago. They grow really slow, but maybe I'll get a chance to taste them one of these days.

"You want to go where?"