I have been to the local Gander Mtn. twice in two months and have had some interesting luck. Tonight, I strolled in just to get an idea of what brands of sleeping pads they carry. I'm looking around at the Thermarest pads rolled on the rack. Then I see one on the display rack that doesn't quite match. A thermarest Trail with a tag on it for $19.97. Upon asking, it was the last one of either a discontinued or one Gander Mtn doesn't carry anymore. No leaks, perfect shape, just no bag. I think it originally sold for $49, but hey, $19 bucks is $19 bucks.

Last month, I ended up with a pair of Teva shoes for $24.

I need to make it a habit to "drop" by.

Oh well, just had to share my little good news; the wife doesn't care and the dog just looks at me.