Thanks for all the input yall. I think that since I have the stove I will just tinker with it in the yard to see what comes of it. Im definitely going to give it a few trial runs as soon as we get our next good snow. If need be I dont mind keeping the fuel canistr warm in my bag or doing the watusi with it tucked in my coat on cold mornings grin. Also, using a windscreen with the canister on a foam pad should keep the canister warm enough during use not to affect performance right? If using a windscreen, what type of ventilation are we talking about around the canister? A small gap in the screen or a horseshoe/ "C" shape. I wouldnt want the canister to blow up and kill me.


Edited by Banjopickin (12/13/11 09:20 PM)
Climb the Mountains and get their good tidings...
-John Muir