Originally Posted By intrek38
""Long Walk fever seems to be going around. A lot of people are catching it.""
Kinda comparable to gold fever. Please be careful and enjoy..

I too have this fever, but not enough time of fund to cure it. So I will have to be content with less.

If you would, Can you explain your fever??

Gershon is absolutely right - it's hard/impossible to explain.

I've felt the need to see what was on the other side of the next hill since I was a kid. Probably explains 100+ moves since I left my folk's house in '89.

In addition to the references already made, you might check out the "Life is a Road" site and books by Daniel Meyer. He's a biker rather than a backpacker, but he understands. He talks a lot about the devastating need to SEE (to use his phrase).
