20-deg F is not really "cold" with respect to material strengths. Now if you said -40degF, that may be a different story!

However, there are a few practical problems at 20 deg. Wet conditions just below freezing can really build up ice. If the sections get wet at the joining points, then freeze, it can be difficult to take down the poles for packing. It is wise to try to keep poles dry- wipe off when you take down the tent and then pack poles inside your pack. If the pole freezes into the gromet that holds it at the base, you could also have problems and accidently tear out the end piece on the pole that goes into the gromet. I have problems with this even above freezing with my Tarptent Moment poles.

That brings up another topic- how does everyone deal with thawing out frozen tent parts? I have resorted to heating up the tent pole with my stove (held at a proper distance), but that is quite risky.