Nano 7 with spectra dogbones
instead of biners, whoopies - 8.5 oz
merlin -3C bag 20oz
ID Silwing tarp with lines 15 oz
sgt rock style tule bug sock 0.5 oz
Blue foam pad 14 oz

58.5 oz. - that's about as light as I can get with a hammock.
(I could maybe lose 8 or 9 oz if I bought a cuben tarp)

good sleep if it's warm and not windy, if it's not at least have to add ID silponcho underneath, add 12oz - so call that 70 oz with reasonably weatherproof and bugproof - however I would call this a rig for "experienced" hammock users. Add at least 30oz for a bigger tarp and bigger hammock for "luxury" trips.

Prolite Short 10oz
Merlin -3C bag 20oz
Black Diamond One Shot 38oz

68 oz - not as good a sleep in calm weather Very good in cold and exposed stuff. add 12 oz for -15C bag (WM) however I could probably sleep through a hurricane on an exposed ridge in this thing. Yes I may wake up a few times, but believe me, I love my hammock, but this weighs less than my blackbird rig, sets up in no time, and when I'm sitting up miles away from any tree in high alpine, man I can sleep good in this listening to a storm outside and reading my book or kindle.

Prolite Short 10oz
Merlin -3C 20oz
SMD Lunar Solo 26oz

56 oz - still good in cold - not as good in wind and exposure as the BD Fully bugproof

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