The only breed that fills all the mentioned criteria is the Border Collie, and this is the breed I have now. My first two dogs were Siberian Huskies, and they are IMO the most beautiful dogs. But SH have a strong instinct for hunting, and anything except dogs and humans means hunt. Thus one need to have them chained all the time, and this is a hassle.

All breeds have both pros and cons, it is a matter of selecting the combination that fits the family situation. Remember that the home situation is the most common. The time on the trail is so small in comparison, choose the dog mostly for home use.

When I saw a Border Collie that were almost the size of the SH I got one and have never regretted that. Our BC is almost as winter adapted as the SH's were, and equally clever at pulling the pulk. But since it is so easy to train one hardly needs the chain at all.

One caution though. BC's are dogs with ADHD blush, they are always trying to do something useful. They can get destructive if they are not met on this. They could start herding small children, chasing cars and bicycles aso. Quite a lot of exercise, and someone training them is ideal. Agility training is perfect, but any task is OK.

When selecting the puppy pick the strong and leading dog. Shy and nervous BC are difficult to handle.

Since you have children one advise I feel is important. Always train the dog to accept that anyone may take away the food without any aggression. It is just a matter of training.