I have two packets of "Wound Closure Strips" that contain some gauze, adhesive bandages, and antiseptic.

Small assortment of band-aids, and a patch of moleskin.

Two needles, a bobbin full of thread, plastic thimble, small tweezers.

For meds I have a few each of antihistamine, advil, aspirin, and vicodin.

I carry a temporary filling kit.

A very small tin of Tiger Balm.


A small guide to first aid.

I need to get some imodium. While writing this I was going through my kit to see exactly what I have in there now and that's missing.

I also carry a mylar emergency blanket, bug repellent, a "Skeeter Stick" (anti-itch stuff), some duct tape wrapped around a Bic lighter, some fire starters, and some "Hot Hands" in in the same ditty bag as my FAK.

As for things I've actually encountered, mostly just some scraps, bruises and achey muscles. I've strained my ankles a bit a few times, but haven't really sprained one while hiking, and I had a knee give me some trouble about 7-8 years ago, but a couple Tylenol I had with me got me back to the trail head.

So other than taking some advil or aspirin, besides the Chapstick, I've seldom used any of it. I have handed out a lot of stuff over the years though, and when the knee went bum on me all I had in my FAK was two Tylenol, which, as a rule, I never take. I had doled out all the rest of my stuff over the course of a few years and forgot to replace any of it.

I gave someone my temp filling kit once when they lost one. He was amazed when I pulled that out of my pack. I started carrying it years ago when I met someone else who had that happen to them on a backpacking trip and they said it was very painful.


"You want to go where?"