Thanks for the reply's!

Steadman you have what looks like a typical off-the-shelf FAK with a couple items added. Meaning, it looks great if you don't have to hike it up a hill.

Somethings you have, that I don't (maybe I should). 1. Ace bandage - useful, but heavy and to my thinking most uses can be achieved with tape (or a cut up shirt) with little loss in function. 2. gloves - maybe misguided but to my thinking trying to maintain a completely sterile environment in the backcountry is a fools errand. Washing hands will keep my hands more sterile than the environment the wound is likely to see. Alternatively, treating someone else's wound could contaminate me, but if someone has a serious wound I'm probably going to start treating it before I get my FAK out, so cross-contamination is inevitable. Perhaps misguided, but that is my thinking.

I really enjoy reading what over-the-counter drugs people bring and was hoping for some stories/experiences where those came in handy. In my day-to-day life I rarely take over-the-counter drugs, but I can imagine situations in the backcountry where they might be an important safety item.