I was going to start a new thread on this, but I was really disappointed with what my first aid kit weighs. List and weights below:

Item Weight (oz)
a. CPR Mask (Microshield) 1
b. Rubber Gloves 3
c. Triangular bandages - 2 3.5
d. Ace bandage 2
e. Some roller gauze, 2" 0.25
f. roll of two inch tape 2
roll of easy to use tape negligible
g. 4-10 4x4 gauze pads
o. Moleskin (for blisters)
h. pack of band aids 1 (all of g,o, h)
i. small tube antibiotic 1
j. personal medications 1
Tylenol 1
Motrin 1
l. anti diarrheals (Immodium AD)
m. cold medicine (pills) - usually Sudafed
n. Benadryl 1 (all of l,m,n)
p. alcohol wipes negligible
r. tweezers negligible
s. Small nail/bandage scissors 1
bag 4

Total 22.75

My obvious places to start cutting are: the bag (4ozs!!), the gloves I was using (3ozs!!) the monster roll of tape (2ozs!!) and (after replacing those items with lighter alternatives) to look at stuff I don't need. For instance, do I really need both tylenol and motrin? Do I need to carry a tube of benadryl in the winter? How about those alcohol wipes - I'm carrying baby wipes for other reasons, and soap. What about the 2inch gauze - I have triangular bandages and tape.

This is still a work in progress for me.

Edited by Steadman (10/21/11 09:21 AM)
Edit Reason: system error