Gershon (and others) I'm late with this one as usual, but thought I'd add my .02. I have a Svea that I have had since the late 1960s. It has had no serious maintenance but still sputters away very nicely. I still like to use it, though I don't go out in deep winter enough to justify having it in my pack. But canoeing and car camping still give it a reason to stay in my gear. I still start to salivate at the sound.

I also have a much older Borde "bomb" that I salvaged out of a WWII field sterilizing kit. I used it all the way on my first AT thru-hike about 15 years ago, and it worked beautifully. It's light, simple, and reasonably efficient. Even managed to get a new needle valve for it from the manufacturer in Switzerland (fortunately I can read a bit of German).

I can't imagine getting rid of either stove, even though I now use Esbit or alcohol. Best, jcp