Hey thanks for the input and taking time to read!

I dont see how the things I am buying are heavy. Okay so you make a good point with the leatherman... I'll Probably just go with a good knife. I just bought the GSI outdoors micro dualist today. Which is pretty lightweight. I know for a minimalist maybe not.. I know I could get lighter with buying just a cup, bowl, and a pot. But I got it on sale for 40 bucks, cant beat that! And I can fit my stove my fuel and all the bowls/cups inside the pot.

I ordered the Nemo Today. Everything I am buying is from REI so it is 100% Satisfaction. If the ventilation is truly an issue I will just simply exchange it =). But its one of the lighter tents on the market until you go down to a 1p. I wanted a 2person tent incase I have a girl friend along.. or even a good buddy.

I know my backpack isnt the lightest weight either but I was not going to sacrifice weight for comfort when getting a pack. The lighter Ospreys I tried I didnt like one bit.

Other than that though where can I improve on my weight? I am pretty sure after its all said and done I can keep it within 20-25 pounds with food and all. Probably less after some supplies are split up between people.

Good point with the fire starter too I suppose I can just use a lighter. The starter is very heavy, I just thought I wouldnt want to worry about a lighter going out or whatever.

So scratch the fire starter and the big hunkin leatherman. Thats a fair amount of weight.. besides my cookset where else is there to improve???