I hike in cooler to cold conditions. To eliminate the problem of bring to much clothes I plan according to the conditions I will be in, not all the conditions possible.

I will wear one set of clothes: a shirt with long sleeve over, and light fast drying pants. I will wear this for almost the whole time (no more than 4 days). If I get wet I have another whole set of clothes. I then bring a light jacket. If it gets too cold I can put on both sets of clothes at the same time with my jacket.

On top of this I will bring a rain suit if the conditions permit. I can wear all of my clothes at once if it is cold, and remain dry no matter how bad it is raining.

To even get more critical, or if you have the money; it would be smart to invest into getting all of the 5 basic layers that are MADE FOR BACKPACKING. These layers are the (1) base layer (2) inner layer (3) mid layer (4) insulating layer (5) outer layer. If you want more information on this visit Backpacking For Beginners , my website (still under construction). If you can stick to these you will be comfortable.