I hiked and climbed in the PNW for over 30 years and almost never took a change of clothes except underwear. When I was on the trail, I dressed lightly and let the clothes I had on get wet either from sweat, rain or both. In camp, I would change into my around-camp clothes, usually down or fleece if it was cold, light fleece if it was only cool. I generally would take a pair of extra socks and that was about it.

A friend and I hiked to Lake Constance one very humid July afternoon on a climb of Mt. Constance. The climb to the lake is about 5000' in about two miles IIRC. Like you mentioned, we were literally dripping with sweat by the time we got to the lake. I just let my nylon pants dry (sort of) overnight and changed into dry undies. Our clothes got just as wet again the next day; we just dealt with it.

Whenever it would rain (a lot of the time) we would just wear as few clothes as possible and try to keep the warm layers dry in our packs. In camp, off came the hiking stuff and on went the warm stuff.
May I walk in beauty.