I don't really count ounces any more - it's more like quarter- and half-pounds.

Mostly, that's due to having counted ounces until I got my weekend, summer load (including food and water) down to 20 pounds. That load is easily manageable for me, so there's not as much impetus to get from 20 to 19 as there was to get from 30 to 20.

A half pound gets my attention - thus my dalliance with a Hyperflow water filter as a possible replacement for my Miniworks, and an ongoing argument with myself as to whether the chair kit is a luxury or a necessity.

A quarter pound is thought-provoking: do I really need that cup, or can I get double duty out of my kettle? Do I need to carry a windbreaker, or will my rain jacket serve the same purpose?

But I'm left a bit cold by the 2 ounces I could save by replacing my headlamp with a squeeze light, or my aluminum tent stakes with titanium.