Duane, only a few of them are blooming.

Someone here told my wife that if you harvest the potatoes two weeks after they plants bloom, they will start another round of potatoes growing. I'm not sure what variety they grew, but they claimed they grew a lot of them like that last year.

Mine don't usually produce much. Down in the forest below our house I've made a couple 15x15 foot patches by piling up leaf mulch about a 10 inches thick and letting it set all Fall and Winter. Then I cut the seed potato, pull back the mulch and scrape a little dirt loose and set the potato, eye up, on the dirt and cover it back up with the mulch.

I don't water those patches at all. I go down there the 2nd week of July and take whatever I can find. Last year I suppose I got less than a couple bushels, most of them smallish.

This year I also planted some in between the raised beds in my garden. I've had ground leaves piled up there for about 3-4 years now and I'm hoping to get a little bigger potato out of those, but I planted them weeks later than I should have, so I'm not sure what I'll end up with.


"You want to go where?"