On last summer's major trip in Eastern Oregon I tended to hike about 9-10 miles a day, almost entirely on-trail. My average elevation was 7500 ft and average elevation gain was roughly 2000 ft/ day. These figures put me at a much less strenuous and challenging rate of travel than wandering daisy experienced on Roper High Route, going x-country.

However, at age 56, I can claim to have had no significant aches or pains during that trip. I have a minor neurasthenia in the middle toe of my right foot, but it is only a botheration, not so much as a real pain. My shoulders, hips, knees and ankles bore up perfectly well, and I think I only ate a few of the ibuprofen I took along.

So far, I normally experience only a few creaks and tweaks in my joints. I recognize this as the blessing it is and am appropriately thankful. I hope to keep going for a couple more decades before age-attrition finally knocks me to the side of the trail. smile