W_D. Great post idea; and great lists from you and Phat.

This is a bit of a russian roulette game of an idea, but I've done it a few times. A place with restocking stations, like the JMT, often has extra food later in the season. People come in and basically bail out or make a decision that they are not going to carry ALL that food that they planned to take originally. They have already pre paid for that food to be there but are not going to be using it. So these places will often let other people pick through and take what they want. When I have done it, there has always been oatmeal and granola. But sometimes there are some real good meals or snacks. So basically I am cutting my calories as close as I dare when packing and using these locations bump up my food supplies if needed.

Edited by skcreidc (03/20/11 02:20 PM)