I planted cilantro, tomatoes, jalapenos and bell peppers last weekend. I have the corn started but not in the ground yet. Getting ready to get the okra, zucchini and pole beans going. I need to build another couple of raised beds. I replaced the apple tree that the neighbors' goats killed last year and planted a peach tree a few weeks ago. My blackberry plant that the neighbors' goats ate almost to the ground last year is coming back nicely. I cut the chile pequin plants down to the ground so they can grow anew. I believe I have the fence repaired to the point that the neighbors' goats can't get into my garden this year (they completely destroyed it last year and when I spoke to them about it they hemmed and hawed around and didn't do anything about it). Either way, I'm either having fresh vegetables or fresh chivo this year. I've got a big pile of nice compost made from llama poop and kitchen scraps that I am adding to the soil in my raised beds.