The whole idea for the sock "liner" is to ensure that moisture is wicked away from your feet to keep them dry as possible. One thing for sure , if you trek any kind of distance and have wet feet, you are going to have a real problem with blisters, and blisters are no fun in the backcountry. I have in the past, taken some extra precautions as far as keeping my feet dry. Usually a couple of days before I leave, I start rubbing isopropol alcohol all over my feet. This keeps them nice and dry and the day before I leave I may even rub them down real good with deoderant of some kind, usually a roll on. This seems to work very well and has become important to me when I know that I will be trekking in the pouring rain for a while.. I hike on the AT and it can rain up there any time at all with no warning at all so I have just gotten into the habit of taking those extra precautions...sabre11004
P.S. Make sure that you take foot powder and you can keep them dry on the trail...
The first step that you take will be one of those that get you there 1!!!!!