Originally Posted By OregonMouse
I'd check on the outing clubs at the schools on your list. I notice, looking at the directory of the Intercollegiate Outing Club Association that this group has expanded beyond its original geographic location in the northeastern US

< snip >

I do want to reiterate that as a grad student, you're not going to have very much time for this sort of activity! You'll necessarily be spending all your "school vacation" time doing your thesis research!

Originally Posted By PerryMK
I'm curious why you are limiting yourself to biking distance?

First, thank you so much for the outdoor club link. That's an angle I had not considered.

The other items above are linked: 'why bike' and 'lack of free time in grad school.' I love to bike, but will in likelihood have a car in school (but not if I don't absolutely have to have one!). However, self-awareness of my own habits tells me that for me to take advantage of something, ESPECIALLY when my schedule is as crunched as it will be in grad school, it must be SUPER convenient for me. If there is trail and mountain within a 1 hr bike ride (say 15-20 miles or so) of where I live, I will get out twice as much as if it were 50 miles away. It's all about convenience and fitting it into a cramped schedule with minimal effort (e.g. travel time).

This thread is only a small part of a very large cross-referencing exercise: top rated math grad programs, most convenient mountain schools, average GRE scores in grad programs, Research 1 institutions. Out the other side I hope to draw a shortlist of 5-6 schools to apply.

It sure would be nice to have as many of them as possible within 20 miles or so of my spiritual center, mountains and trails, so that when I begin to lose hope I can easily recharge my batteries.

So far only 6 schools have been 'sold' to me by folks which meet this criteria (I haven't confirmed yet though):
• University of Colorado - Boulder
• Northern Arizona U - Flagstaff
• U of Montana - Missoula
• Montana State - Bozeman
• Vieginia Tech - Blacksburg
• Dartmouth - Hanover