On a map, set a compass point on Missoula, MT (home of the UM) and set the compass itself to scribe a circle with a 200-mile radius. Sit back and look at the places that encompasses...don't overlook the Rattlesnake Wilderness at the city limits and remember you can make Yellowstone in an easy five hours. On the other hand, I don't know a thing about the UM's math department...

I've lived in 12 states and four foreign countries. I've visited another 30 and 9, respectively. And here, a half-hour east of Missoula, are the best summer's I've experienced anywhere, a few smoky days not withstanding. Warm to hot days, cool to cold nights...no humidity, no air conditioning required (a boon for an ex-Texas boy! cool ). And the winters are pretty decent too. smile Missoula itself falls a bit short of my particular airshed but it comes darn close.

But if you want to talk math...I remember way back when that Colorado State University had a good department and CSU is located in an OK place, too. wink

These personal opinions are heavily skewed by time and a decided preference for western Montana.

"...inalienable rights...include the right to a clean and healthful environment..." Montana Constitution