Originally Posted By skcreidc
To be honest, I don't blame the doctors so much as I blame the system. My old doctor, from before health plans, would have remembered. At this point I feel it is up to me to be aware of what my body is telling me, do regular checkups, and eat healthy(er).

If only everyone was so aware! We also have to advocate for ourselves... if we feel something is wrong and the first doc won't listen, don't give up. The system has made alot of doctors disillusioned about their profession, and as another poster pointed out, jaded in their response toward patients. There have been tremendous advances in medicine - especially the interventions that are now possible - but basic doctoring (i.e. listening to the patient and respecting what they have to say) has been eroded away by people abusing the system.

Anyway, point being, we really do need to be aware of our health, what our numbers are (Blood pressure, and lab tests like cholesterol and PSA [for men]) what they mean, and what alternatives (if any) can be tried before taking medication.

YMMV. Viewer discretion is advised.