I do see a physician once a year for a checkup. I can tell MY doctor is a good guy, but I do not trust the other guy that I get when my dr. is unavailable. Now I am just complaining midnightsun03 because I am not sure as to what to do. I had blood tests done 3 times one year before my cholesterol "problem" was fixed. When I came in the last time (and had great results), my doctor, the one I like, didn't remember my previous results. Instead, he told me how lucky I was to have good genes! To be honest, I don't blame the doctors so much as I blame the system. My old doctor, from before health plans, would have remembered. At this point I feel it is up to me to be aware of what my body is telling me, do regular checkups, and eat healthy(er).

oldranger, don't change physicians! It sounds like you have a good working relationship with him. Maybe that is what I need to look for.