Plenty of German beer or bourbon and a good helping of meat everyday is what I recommend.

As far as doctors, I try to avoid them. I don't like the idea of them "practicing medicine" on me. If they're still practicing, they must not be very good at what they're doing!

On a serious note, in my small area of Texas (and probably elsewhere as well) there have been doctors who have over prescribed xanax and hydrocodone to the point that a large portion of the local population is walking around like the living dead. I even had a friend with a malignant tumor on his spine that went undiagnosed for over a year because the absolutely horrible doctors in this area just assumed he was another junkie looking for a scrip and sent him home with a prescription for pain pills he didn't even want after talking to him/evaluating his condition for all of 3 minutes. He eventually died from it.

It got so bad around here that word eventually got out and some of the quack doctors were arrested and a couple were just fined. But due to the backlash over the pillfreaks, another friend of mine was denied pain medication when his shoulder was seperated. When the doctor tried popping it back into place and it wouldn't go, my friend asked for a pain shot. The doctor snidely replied that he didn't need one, just deal with it. My friend got up and walked out of the emergency room and said he'd go to another hospital. He went down the road to Gainesville, Tx and they eventually gave him a shot and popped it back into place. But only after arguing with the doctor and nurses there for several hours. Turns out the doctor from the first hospital called the second one and told them he was coming and he was just a doper looking for a high. He finally convinced the second doctor that he hadn't just yanked his shoulder out of its socket for fun and got it taken care of. But permanent damage was done due to the length of time the shoulder was seperated. Good news is that the first doc lost his job. My buddies sister-in-law has a close relative on the hospital board. But things are messed up around here because of the downerheads.
Proud to be an American. Lucky to be a Texan.