Yes, it's a snow stake that I'm talking about. I've also heard them referred to as sand stakes, so I never know what to call them. One of the lightest I've found is this: hilleberg-v-pegs I've found that snow stakes aren't as quick or comfortable as a bona fide trowel, but they get the job done. Some people go ahead and dig a cat hole ahead of time as part of setting up camp. I think Vargo makes another light one, but it looked too angular to hold.

I've asked about spectra fiber sold like that before and was told that it cuts into treebranches if you try to use it to hang a bearbag. Bearbag spectra line is made smoother. I've bought some from these places before: BPL , Gossamer Gear I actually use Gossamer Gear's "ECZ2" line for general purposes - shoelace, guylines, and the like. It's easier to tie knots in than regular spectra cord. I've used it to lower my pack when the going gets tough while scrambling, but I think thin line like that would be hard to grab for stream crossing. I've always relied on a long stick or hiking pole for support, instead.

That's the LED light I was thinking of. I wouldn't say it's ideal for lighting up the trail, but it will let you walk, pitch a tent, and cook in the dark if you have to. You might stick with something more substantial if you regularly like to read at night; going with light gear & liking it means finding that sweet spot that works best for what you use it for.

I accidentally tossed the travel tube that my poles came in, and wish I hadn't. If I remember right it was basically one of those cardboard tubes artists use to carry large sheets of paper. All of my gear goes into a big duffle when I travel anyway.

Hope this helps! You're on a better track than I was when I first cut back my load.